Our bee's were already done with the first box of honey for us. They were working hard. Here is Dave and Mark starting to take the frames out. They are all nicely capped.
Dave always takes a helper down with him and it was Ethan's turn this time. The kids have no fear of the bees. It is amazing. Ethan has gotten stung once but not by a honey bee. So it still doesn't bother him at all.
Here they are brushing the bees off of the frames.
The precious frames full of honey just waiting for us.
Ooooh, ahhhhhhhh!!
Dad and Mark cutting off the caps to reveal the tasty honey.
Look at all that golden honey.
Using Mark's nifty contraption for extracting the honey from the cell's. Dave is coming up with a design of his own to use later at the end of the summer when we harvest again.
Look at all that honey spraying out of the cells. WOW! I loved this part.
The final steps. Pouring into storage containers.
All of our honey.
And it is so good.