Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family Picnic

Early in the summer we got an invite to a family picnic out in Birkenfeld, which is just NW of Mist, if you know where that is.  It looked like it would be a fun time, and get us out of our comfort zone a little bit, and possibly meet some new people.  Another bonus to the picnic was that they were going to have a speaker, SM Davis.  We initially heard him speak on some CD's that we purchased from Vision Forum, but you can also learn about him at his website   The farm that hosted the picnic was tucked back in the forest off a gravel road, with a rustic cabin/house and small fenced pastures.  It was beautiful and very remote.

Here is the parking situation, cars lining the gravel road, and young men directing you to your spot.

Everything started with a potluck lunch, and there was plenty of great food.

We ran into a few families that we know from Alert Cadets, a couple from church, and Jennie's crochet/sewing teacher (Katie Organ) from grade school.

After lunch the had SM Davis speak, and his topic was on the Influence of Older children on younger children.  I kept checking to see if Ethan was listening ;-) 

Oh, before the speaker there was some music, and this old hay wagon was the stage, and we all sat under the tree's on hay bales or in camp chairs.

This couple did a short kids program, and had all the kids come up front for it.

SM Davis speaking.  Sometimes in gatherings like this someone will accent a point with an "Amen", but SM Davis got a "Moooo" from the calf in the pasture next to the stage.  SM Davis was pretty sure that had never happened to him before in all his years of speaking.

After the first speaking session these guys set up a volleyball net, and they had a few organized kids games.

Kids playing games in the field.

Lily starting to wind down after not getting a nap.

Listening to the speaker.

It was beautiful setting.

There was a drawing for a gift basket, and we actually won.  In the basket was a nice rug, some homemade soap and lotion, a crocheted dishrag, and a gift card to Shari's.  

We ended up getting home around 10:30 that night, but it was a lot of fun, and we did meet some new people and refresh an old relationship.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Boys campout

Last year the boys and I joined Alert Cadets, along with our friends the Breits.  Over the summer there was a campout with the Cadets that we were going to go on, but both of our families had to back out at the last minute as it was quite a drive and we had other commitments on Saturday as well.  At the last minute we threw together an overnighter at a state park only 30 minutes away.

Faster Ben, faster.  It was a 1/4 mile walk into the campsite, and luckily there was this pull cart for taking  your gear in, otherwise it would have been quite a few trips.  We packed like we were going car camping, not backpacking.

After setting up camp, the first order of business was making a fire and roasting hotdogs.  There were community fire rings so at dinner we met another father and son that were having a little male bonding as well.  His son was right in the same age group as our boys so they hit it off.

We got two sites right next to each other.

In the evening it did start to cool down, hence the stocking caps came out.

Breakfast Saturday morning.

Logan was all smiles!

Ben was in charge of Hot Cocoa, notice his technique, just marvelous.

Breit boys!

Breakfast on the right, crazy guy on the left.

ummm....we forgot a spatula, so Ben crafted one out of a paperplate, and much to our surprise it held up.  I think I will start calling him MacGyver.  Was I the only one that watched that show?

Mmmmmm....  the Word of God and a cup of coffee.

The boys being ......well boys.

After breakfast we went for a hike and came across this stream.  The kids did manage to get their feet wet and then we headed back to pack up and head out.

My artsy side.

Hiking back to camp.


We had a good time, and we were very glad we made the effort to still get our boys out camping, even for a short trip.  We try to lead a fairly simple life with not too many distractions, but somehow we still get very busy and it is very important for us to stop and invest some time into our kids lives.  I probably don't invest as much as I should.

The coast and family

It seems our summer was pretty full of family events this year.  This is the second year we have gone to a family gathering for the Johnson side of the family, and it is hosted by my dad's cousin in Svenson.  Which is just East of Astoria.  As with last year, we tried to make a long day trip of it by starting out on the beach in Seaside and then getting to the gathering just before lunch and spending the day.  This year we left the three older kids with my parents and they were able to sleep in their trailer and come home with them on Sunday.

No trip to the beach is complete without going in a fun hat shop!!

Yes, I do realize that Evan is wearing green and yellow, but I am trying not to think about it.

Princess Mia

When we first got to Seaside it was actually misting/raining so we had to kill time (hat shop) until it turned sunny one hour later and then hit the beach.

Castle construction under way.

Evans castle that he built all by himself.

This castle was a joint effort, by all.

Family gathering.  Most of the family comes for the weekend.

Ethan is visiting with Grandma Johnson.  It is always interesting to ask him what he talked to her about later.   

There was a very intense ladder ball competition that went on, with a full bracket system.  Here the boys are just practicing between rounds.

In the classic red barn on the property, my dad's cousin has built a mini-kitchen for the grandkids to play in.  The girls were running a restaurant this day.

Ethan and Evan running the 3 legged race.  For not having done it before they did not do too bad.

Ethan in the wheelbarrow race.

And finally the ever classic egg toss.  I could have sworn Ethan and Evan's egg was hard boiled.  They dropped it so many times, and rolled it, but it finally gave way in the semi-finals.

Family from out of town

We are still playing catch-up on our blog posts.  This summer was extra special since we had the kids cousins from Florida here for about 6 weeks.  And they were able to stay with us on the homestead for a few days.

Daniel got to ride on Big Red while the older kids were playing.

Jessie holding a small rubber boa.

Michael now holding the rubber boa.  They are very docile, and slow moving, definately my favorite snake.

Dress up time, giddy up.

Lily & Daniel doing some artwork.

Here is Daniel wearing the racecar apron and helping in the kitchen.

Yummy spoons!

Fire roasted hotdogs with breadsticks wrapped around them.

Looking good Ev.

Lily at her table.

Dessert time, SMORES!

This was the first year we have gone to the Hillsboro 4th July parade, and it was a lot of fun.  Next year we will show up about 45 minutes earlier to get a better spot.

Lily coloring on the pavement.

All the kids before the parade.

It would appear they are waving, but they are actually trying to catch all the candy that is being thrown out.  We had no idea that was part of the deal, and the kids came home with tons of candy.  A lot of it was broken from hitting the pavement.

Nana and Olivia

Ethan giving rides in Little Red.

We got to show the cousins how to herd chickens and gather eggs.  It was great for our kids to get to spend so much time with their cousins, and we hope all of them remember it for a long time.