Saturday, December 18, 2010


This last spring my brother-in-law took up beekeeping, and it has been very interesting to learn the process. Typically Jennie uses quite a bit of honey in her baking as it is a more natural sweetner. Even at Costco it is pretty spendy. So, when I suggested that we look into it Jennie was all for it. Our property also borders a large berry field so I figured it might pretty easy to get it going. And also the honey bee was the one bee I was not allergic too when tested in high school, so it must have been meant to bee. My brother-in-law always does his research when taking on a new hobby, and he said the best book by far was the Beekeeping for Dummies. So, as you may have guessed I have checked it out from the library and am starting to familirize myself with those busy little bees. As I have previously mentioned I am slow reader, so could take me some time :-)
I am hoping to get everything ready for next spring.

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