Well, it snowed here this morning. It started out pretty lightly then got really heavy. The kids were practically drooling out the window so instead of trying to stay on schedule with school time (which is sometimes really hard for me when we get off of tract) I told them to go out and play. Yes, they have colds but how often do they get to play in the snow. Yes, the weather people predicted that we were going to have a hard winter, but we haven't so far. So the kids are just dying to play in the snow. We were surprised about this snow shower so we were all excited. They played out there for a while then came in crying cause they were cold and wet. After some warm hot cocoa at their school desks, they felt much better. The snow did not stay around. The rain started and the snow left us once again. A few hours later it was all gone. It is just so beautiful watching the snow fall. I could just sit there and watch it falling for ever. Here are just a few pictures of our morning.
Mia saying that she is ready to go out in the snow. BRRRRRR!!!!!
That's better.
Snow ball fights.
baby girl staying inside watching the action.
So cute! Wish I'd known about your blog sooner...could've followed along in "real time"...such cute photos of the crew :)