Saturday, September 22, 2012

The coast and family

It seems our summer was pretty full of family events this year.  This is the second year we have gone to a family gathering for the Johnson side of the family, and it is hosted by my dad's cousin in Svenson.  Which is just East of Astoria.  As with last year, we tried to make a long day trip of it by starting out on the beach in Seaside and then getting to the gathering just before lunch and spending the day.  This year we left the three older kids with my parents and they were able to sleep in their trailer and come home with them on Sunday.

No trip to the beach is complete without going in a fun hat shop!!

Yes, I do realize that Evan is wearing green and yellow, but I am trying not to think about it.

Princess Mia

When we first got to Seaside it was actually misting/raining so we had to kill time (hat shop) until it turned sunny one hour later and then hit the beach.

Castle construction under way.

Evans castle that he built all by himself.

This castle was a joint effort, by all.

Family gathering.  Most of the family comes for the weekend.

Ethan is visiting with Grandma Johnson.  It is always interesting to ask him what he talked to her about later.   

There was a very intense ladder ball competition that went on, with a full bracket system.  Here the boys are just practicing between rounds.

In the classic red barn on the property, my dad's cousin has built a mini-kitchen for the grandkids to play in.  The girls were running a restaurant this day.

Ethan and Evan running the 3 legged race.  For not having done it before they did not do too bad.

Ethan in the wheelbarrow race.

And finally the ever classic egg toss.  I could have sworn Ethan and Evan's egg was hard boiled.  They dropped it so many times, and rolled it, but it finally gave way in the semi-finals.

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