Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paper pots

So Dave found this great idea for making your own paper pots for seedlings from . We have been enjoying their blog on gardening and other homesteading ideas. So we tried it out with the help of Dave's parents. Thank you for providing the paper!
Dave worked one night and made them all up and he and Mia got busy filling them up with dirt. We planted some Tomato seeds and some broccoli seeds too. Watered them and then saran wrapped them and put them in our west facing window. One week later the broccoli is already coming up. The neat thing besides that it was mostly free, at least the pots, is that the paper will help mulch the ground for us. This last week the kids wanted to help Dad out someway and Ethan thought about filling up all the rest of the pots with dirt. He and Mia got to work filling up the rest of them, about 40 and were very eager to get them done before Dave got home. So eager in fact that he had to learn the hard way about carrying them with two hands instead of one. He dropped them just inside of the doorway. Dirt was all over the rug, floor and doorway. He quickly picked up the dirt and put it back in the pots, and then with two hands put them back on the shelf by the window. After asking him what lesson he learned from this, he said that he will always hold it with two hands from now on. I love seeing their eagerness to see what dad will say when they do something to help him out. They can hardly hold it in. They have to tell him as soon as he comes in. But that is what we want to instill in them. An eagerness to serve. This is where is starts. But our hearts for them is to learn how to eagerly serve the Lord in any area that He calls them.

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