Our mishap with the wash

So one late afternoon I was finishing up a load of laundry and I walked past the washing machine and glanced at it, and low and behold it was full to the brim with suds. Now, this machine is a low suds machine so I was quite alarmed when I saw this. I was wondering how in the world did that happen. Thankfully Dave came home a few minutes later and after much thought we decided to just open up the door and see what would happen. The suds just started falling out. WOW! I've never seen so many before. Dave scooped more and more out. He was looking around in the basin and I saw this yellow bar sticking to the side of the tub. He pulled it out and behold it was my bar of Fels Naptha soap that I use to get stains out. I normally put it up in the cupboard where it belongs but that day I had put it on some rags/dish towels that were needing to get washed. Well, rags kept getting piled on top of the bar so soap and in my quick haste to load the washer with the towels I forgot that the bar of soap was in there. Word of caution. Don't leave a bar of soap on top of the washer. It took a total of 2 full wash cycles to get the soap suds out. And we had to stop it twice to pull out more suds. Of course the kids thought it was great fun. I was just thankful that my washer wasn't broken.

Thanks for the warning! I use that kind too :) Funny picture of the boys!