Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Ev!

 So we have started having a big January birthday a few years ago for all of the birthday's that we celebrate in January. We have a total of 8 birthday's in January. Instead of being busy every weekend having a party and eating cake we started having a big party for all the birthdays. It has been lots of fun and the month is much more enjoyable and less crazy. So since Ev had a bunch of presents already at the beginning of Jan. from all the rest of family we got him a few presents that he was able to open this morning. Early in the week Dave and I decided to start a tradition that we would take the birthday child out for a special birthday dinner. No siblings. Just him and us. With 4 kids in the house we have little quiet time with one on one. Last night we took Ev to Red Robin's. His choice because he wanted to be sung to and have ice cream.  I have heard about it from a few other people and we both think that it is a wonderful tradition to begin. It was such a fun time seeing him for who he really is. We love Evan. He is always ready to make someone laugh, has a willing heart and attitude, loves camo, a protector of his sister's, a good friend to people, ready to give what he has to other's. Now days you will see him in at least on thing that is camo. He got some birthday money and when he was asked what he wanted to use it for he said more camo clothes. I was all for that since it is hard to get him to put his used camo clothes in the dirty clothes basket. We have another tradition for the birthday person in our house. They get to pick out the menu for the day. So Ev picked out waffles covered in strawberries and whip cream with bacon on the side, and for dinner meatball sub sandwiches. Lunch was Grandpa's smoked fish with cheese and crackers and carrots. On the farm there is always something to do but on their birthday they don't have to do extra chores. He was trying to get out of picking up his clothes and making his bed but that didn't fly past mom. Those things are just part of living. But our road up to our driveway needed to be graveled badly so the 5 of us who live on this road got 6 truck loads of rock and it was dumped this morning. Dave and the kids got out there and talked with our neighbors and helped a bit before we had to leave and take a dinner to some friends who just had a baby last week. The celebrated their 9th baby. What a blessing. It sounds like a lot of work but all the kids don't stay young for ever. The older ones help do chores around the home and that takes some weight off of the mom's shoulders. She is an encourager to me and an inspiration. They live on 10 + acres and have a nut orchard and chickens. Our kids love to go over there and run around with their kids and get dirty and just have fun outside.   The day is closing to an end and our second son is now 7. We will be having ice cream sundae's in a little bit and then watch Davey Crockett for a family movie. He got that for his birthday.  It is hard for me to believe that 7 years have already gone by. WOW! We look forward to what the Lord has for him in the future and to see how He uses Ev for His glory.  

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